Toddler Group

The Toddler Group will resume in August 2024. We run a parent and toddler and a helper and toddler group ( separate days)
Please register your interest so we can keep you informed.

Rain Trees offers an informal parent/helper and toddler group 9.30-11.30am. Our parent/helper and toddler group is where parents/helpers and toddlers meet to socialise and play in a relaxed, friendly environment.

The group is for children between the ages of 8 months and 2 years old.  Each session, which is run by our toddler facilitator and lasts approximately 2 hours. It includes a programme of activities such as music, art and play and also includes a small session of singing in Mandarin. We prioritise children who are signed up to join Rain Trees when they turn 18 months.

Helper and Toddler Group

We also run a Helper & Toddler group from 9.30-11.30am. This session follows the same format as the Parent & Toddler sessions but will be an opportunity for children to come with their helpers where parents are working or unable to come.

An Example of a session at our Parent/Helper and Toddler group would be:

9.30 – 9.45amWelcome and Free Play
9.45 – 10.30amArt Activity and/or Free Play
10.30 – 10.45amTidy Up Time and Snack
10.45 – 11.00amStory, Singing and Music
11.00 – 11.15amMandarin Time
11.15 – 11.30amOutdoor Play and Goodbye

For parents it provides an opportunity to:

Play with children and nurture a love of learning in a group
Share experiences and ideas
Relax and talk in a friendly environment
Prepare your toddler for pre-school
Meet other families living in Singapore and develop new friendships

For children, it provides a chance for them to:

Develop social skills including sharing and cooperation
Participate in new experiences
Learn more about the world

Most importantly it allows children to get used to our pre-school so when they start school they already know the environment, people and have made friends – we have found that this makes for a much easier transition not only for the child but for Mum and Dad too!!!


“Our daughter was only at Rain Trees for a short period of time, but she LOVED her time at the school. It’s play focused, she learned a lot, and she spoke about her friends and teachers daily. While she only attended 2-3 days per week, she woke up every morning asking if she was going to school! Rain Trees also builds a great community with the families, which is great for families new to Singapore. We highly recommend the school!”

At Rain Trees the teachers and staff are incredibly caring and provide a wonderful place for young children to feel comfortable, confident and excited to learn.

My three year old son Samuel attends Rain Trees Kindergarten and absolutely loves it! 

Recently while on school holidays we were dropping his Dad off to work and he said, ‘Mum, where’s my school bag?’ When I told him it was the holidays he was a little upset!

We were very lucky as we were recommended Rain Trees by a friend and decided on the first visit that it would be a great place for Samuel. We met with Katie Terry and she showed us around Rain Trees. Samuel didn’t make it past the outdoor play area he loved it so much! We visited the classrooms and Katie answered all the questions I had.

Rain Trees is spacious and inviting and It really had a great feel about it. It wasn’t a hard decision to make as Samuel wanted to stay on our first visit.

I started Samuel in the Caterpillars class last October. Samuel initially started 2 mornings per week. I was planning to wait until Samuel was three before I extended this to 5 mornings per week but he was enjoying it so much I extended it to 3 then 5 mornings just before Christmas. 

Like any Mum I expected there to be tears on his first day, but there were so many things in the room, that he just wanted to start exploring, it was just a matter of a kiss and a cuddle and bye Mummy and he was off.

It really helped that his teacher Karen was so engaging with him from the word go. Karen really gets down on to the kids level and teaches them in a way that is fun and stimulating for them. 

The whole team at Rain Trees are really lovely. I feel what Samuel does there is just such a great extension to what we do at home and could not recommend them enough.

This testimonial was provided by Lesley for Expat Living – thankyou Lesley for sharing your experience and views

Rain Trees is a wonderful platform for children to develop their love of learning and exploration of the world around them.  My eldest son is flourishing at Nursery, credit to the foundations laid by the devoted and talented team at Rain Trees.  My youngest son has just started and I am continuing to see the school grow from strength to strength.  Thank you

My twins have been attending Rain Trees since they were 18 months, initially in the parent accompanied group and now they rush in happily everyday with scarcely time for ‘goodbye mummy’ as they go off to explore. I have been very impressed with the personal attention the children receive, the way in which the staff know my children and how they have become much more confident and independent during their time at Rain Trees. Most importantly though, the twins love going to school and are really happy and engaged.

Rain Trees is a home away from home. It has a real sense of family. The children seem to be happy and settle in quickly. There seems to be the right balance between playing and discipline.

A great education is the best gift parents can give a child. We feel that the 3 years Eleonore has spent at Rain Trees has equipped her with great skills and she is ready to become a confident and blooming child in primary school.


Sienna attended Rain Trees Kindergarten for two years , and what a great grounding she got for her next step to big school. She absolutely loved attending Rain Trees, and her teacher’s, Ms Tina and Ms Karen, created memories for Sienna that I am sure she will never forget. Rain Trees manages to balance very well the play environment and the learning environment, so that the children are learning the basics in a fun, but structured way. Sienna’s transition to her new school was seamless, and I can thank Rain Trees for giving Sienna such a great start to her little school life, by giving her the tools to proceed with confidence. As a mother, that is something that I never take for granted.

I have had the good fortune of already sending 3 of my 5 children to Rain Trees and cannot recommend it highly enough. The creative and nurturing environment is far superior to any other kindergarten that I have found either in Singapore or back home. It helped us enormously in our early days settling into Singapore knowing that our children were so happy and cared for at this beautiful place.

Each day we felt as though we were leaving our children in the hands of a most trusted member of family. The teachers and their assistants are second to none; their enthusiasm, warmth and humor are infectious and you cannot help but be in a good mood stepping through the door. The warm, happy greeting the children receive each morning makes it so easy to say goodbye. The setting of the kindergarten in a beautiful, green and tranquil environment makes it the perfect backdrop to the “natural” education the children receive.

The fun and imaginative activities the children do every day are a fantastic introduction to their education and developing a love of learning. I always look forward to pick up time knowing that my 3 year old will be so eager to share with me the latest great activity she has done or to show me her latest creation. While they are having so much fun, each activity is pertinent in some way to their educational development and the connection between fun and learning never ceases to amaze me. It is a testament to the experience and the dedication of the teachers to encourage each child’s learning in this way.

Each child’s individualism is embraced and difference and acceptance is encouraged. The children all gain both social confidence and thoughtful consideration of each other and each other’s needs.

The quality of learning in the development of skills such as reading, mathematics and language makes for easy transition to “big school”. The Mandarin and English bridging programs are excellent. You feel at the end of your child’s time at Rain Trees that they are well and truly prepared for their primary years, although of course you would like them to stay there for all of their education if it were possible!

Recent changes in management have seen further improvements such as daily and weekly update emails of what the children are doing in class. The daily updates include their activities for the day and photos of the previous day. We look forward to seeing these and often circulate them to relatives who take great joy in seeing a grandchild or niece etc at play. It is a great way of staying in touch with the kindergarten and makes you feel even more part of your child’s day, like a window into the classroom.

I look forward to sending my twin baby boys to Rain Trees when they are ready so as to experience the same delightful introduction to their schooling years that their sisters have all received.

I have the teachers and the lovely homely environment to thank for helping Chang to gain his confidence and happiness. He speaks significantly more now and clearer too. Thank you!!


  • Our parent and toddler group is not for helpers to accompany either the child or the parent! We are happy for Mum, Dad or Grandparents to accompany your child
  • Our helper and toddler group is solely for helpers and the children
  • We give priority to children who have registered with Rain Trees to join our pre-school